Al BarclayAl Barclay, an enigmatic genus of actoridae.
Abstract: gen mov . May be plesiomorphic. Only known from winged males. Key Words: Coleoptera. Actoridae. Pratius. Habitat: Woodland. Occasionally interior urban (social spaces). Description: This unusual and perplexing creature has been variously caught on film for twenty years now but never quite pinned down. It is known for leading colonies of equally baffled creatures into dark places for unknown reasons. Treat with caution. If it becomes angered, apply alcohol liberally. Chris StylesChristopher Styles is a jack of all trades in immersive theatre. His past work includes:
siwan HillLocal resident Siwan Hill is 249 years old and has lived in Hampstead since it was (mostly) just fields. She kindly takes it upon herself to produce the Hampstead Halloween pub tour each year in order to ensure a fresh supply of meat for the horned god. For legend hath it if his infernal majesty is not supplied with an annual victim then the blue plaques will leave Hampstead and the house prices will tumble...
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